- Earth Day Thoughts from Global Ecologist Dr. Michael Charles Tobias
Ms Maria Fotopoulos
- Dancing Star Foundation Announces a New Partnership with the Santa Fe Botanical Garden
- Dancing Star Foundation Research Fellow, Dr. Tarun Chhabra, with Colleagues, Discovers Three New Flower Species in Southern India
My tryst with wild balsams began in the late 1990s when a young botanist took me to the western Upper Nilgiris to view the flowering spectacle that unfolds in September.
- “Make Natural History and Biological Diversity Documentation ‘Great Again’” by Dr. Melanie DeVore
There is no denying that the resources driving our documentation and understanding of biodiversity are rooted in the history of colonialism. From the Victorian practices of stuffing cabinets with curiosities from conquered lands, to the development of GIS technologies and satellite imaging associated with military might, the tools of our trade for documenting all forms of life and understanding its dynamic intricacies come from power associated with affluent nations.
- New Book Random Homeostasis – On the Nature of Contingent Reality
This book is the first comprehensive exploration of theoretical biology in the context of hybrid, real-time evolution within an ethical and philosophical context. The book focuses upon global biodiversity conservation from the perspectives of mathematical and phenomenological areas of critical significance to the crisis of endangered species and habitat; and the well-being – as well as potential extinction – of humankind. The book discusses new, landmark theories of ecological imagination, survival ethics, and an altogether original discourse on the nature of Nature.
- Dancing Star Foundation Is Pleased to Announce Three New Dancing Star Foundation Research Fellows for 2019:
Ms. Ingrid Newkirk (http://www.ingridnewkirk.com/) -President and Co-Founder of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals); Dr. Con Slobodchikoff, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological Sciences, Norther Arizona University (www.conslobodchikoff.com), and Art Historian, Author and Curator, David Wagner, Ph.D. (http://www.davidjwagnerllc.com/)
See new books by Dancing Star Foundation authors and co-authors: Bionomics In The Dragon Kingdom: Ecology, Economics and Ethics in Bhutan in November 2018, and The Theoretical Individual in February 2018, as well as The Tuscany Dialogues coming out in the Fall of 2019.
- Premiere of the new Global Spirit program: SACRED ECOLOGY
Sunday, July 13, 6:00pm PT / 9:00pm ET
with Joanna Macy and Dr. Michael Tobias.The program will be streamed globally at www.GlobalSpirit.tv and broadcast nationally in the US on satellite channel Link TV [DIRECTV Ch 375 | DISH Network Ch 9410]
- Dancing Star Foundation Announces Its Two New DSF Research Fellows for 2022/2023
Robert Gillespie and Professor David RothenbergFor news about these two outstanding individuals, go to:
- Dancing Star Foundation President Has 2 New One-Hour Conversations with the 12th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. G. Wayne Clough, and with Ms. Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.David Wagner reflects upon Tobias’ and Morrison’s new Dancing Star Foundation book, Anthrozoology: Embracing Co-Existence in the Anthropocene.Dr. Paul Ehrlich at Stanford University reviews Tobias’ and Morrison’s new book, Anthrozoology: Embracing Co-Existence in the Anthropocene.See the newly released one-hour documentary,
- Anthrozoology: Embracing Co-existence in the Anthropocene
A book by Michael Tobias and Jane Morrison stressesneed for universal coherence.
"We either recognize the miracle of other sentient intelligence, sophistication, and genius, or risk enshrining the shortest lived epitaph of any known vertebrate in earth’s 4.1 billion years of life."